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Doula and Photographer

With Love, From Sam


My Heart


Love, Sam

I want God to use me to connect others to the reality of His love. 


In the art of photography, I want to capture God's meticulous design in His creation of earth and humanity. 


In the art of being a Doula, I want to serve women through their labor as they bring beloved new life into the world. 


We see Him everywhere, in families, in weddings, in labor, in new life, in life passing on, in mountains and the smallest of flowers, in the sun and moon and the stars. It all points back to the reality of the miracle and humility and wonder of the Savior of all humanity, Jesus, and how He relates to us. 







Capturing weddings, engagements, couples, creatives, maternity, newborns & more! 

Labor Doula CD-L


Emotional, educational and physcial support throughout your pregnancy and labor

Postpartum Care


Newborn overnight and/or daytime care to aid in postpartum healing​


"Then the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Genesis 2:7

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